
Our Story

You matter to God and you matter to us—we’re so glad you’re here! Granger Community Church is made up of real people, living real lives, experiencing joy, doing the best we can with what we have, taking our next steps toward Christ and helping others do the same. The fun and adventure of life transformation is happening all across our weekly gatherings, events and groups, one relationship at a time. You’re wanted and you’re needed…THIS is what we are made for!



Our human eyes are limited: what you can see isn’t all there is. There are unseen forces at work—maybe you’ve never seen them firsthand, but you’ve felt their effects. Join us for five weeks in March as we step into the realm of spiritual warfare, angels and demons, myths and miracles, to engage a conversation about the unseen forces at work in our world. How do we live armed with God’s power and truth, to build a faith that can withstand any battles that are waging unseen?

Kids & Students

Our kids and students aren’t the leaders of the church of tomorrow. They’re the church now, today! Granger Kids is available for newborns-5th grade during all weekend services, designed to spark curiosity with fun activities, worship and biblical teaching. The auditorium is a learning environment best suited for students in 6th grade on up. Students also have their own gatherings with Granger Student Ministries (GSM) on Sunday afternoons and evenings at the Granger Campus and Wednesday evenings at the Elkhart Campus during the school year. They will encounter leaders who love Jesus and want to support your student’s next right step.